After the Service

After Care

Although very important, the funeral is only the first step we take in ‘saying goodbye’. As you begin to work through your grief, the road ahead may seem long and lonely. Relatives and friends will be especially helpful at the time of death and at the funeral. However, as the weeks and months go by, they may not always be available to comfort you and to allow you to talk about the person you love and miss so much.

Bereavement Support is a complimentary service provided to families cared for by Lamb & Hayward. We have partnered with The Grief Centre to ensure that you and your family receive the very best after care. A letter will be sent to you explaining the service, and then one of the Bereavement Support Team will phone approximately 6-8 weeks after the funeral. This person is available to keep in touch with you over the coming year.

The Bereavement Support worker will provide a listening ear, and can arrange for further information, advice or resources that may be helpful. Sometimes other family members may need help too – please let your support worker know this when they phone.

These services are provided free of charge as part of Lamb & Hayward’s commitment to going the extra mile and providing you and your family with the very best of care and guidance.