Before The Funeral


Repatriation – Worldwide or within New Zealand

Repatriation is bringing home the body, remains or ashes of someone who has died overseas or in another part of New Zealand.

Lamb & Hayward have many years experience in providing professional repatriations. In addition to the normal processes involved in a funeral, there are other requirements which must be fulfilled to meet the regulations for New Zealand or another country when receiving a body, remains or ashes. In general terms, you will require a death certificate, evidence that the body does not have a notifiable disease, a certificate of embalming, and the necessary export and import clearance for New Zealand and the country of destination. It is also a requirement that the casket be hermetically sealed.

We will take the time to understand your needs, advise you of the requirements specific to your situation as they vary for New Zealand versus overseas, and from country to country, and communicate with you throughout the repatriation to ensure it runs smoothly.

When sending ashes within New Zealand or to another country, you do have the option of taking them yourself as a carry-on item, if you have the correct documentation. If you wish to send them by post or courier, sending from one funeral director to another is the recommended method. New Zealand Post will not accept ashes from the general public.

For more information or advice please contact us.