The Funeral


Offering refreshments after a funeral is regarded as an important aspect of the funeral service. This is a time for meeting up with family members and friends, sharing stories and recalling in greater detail the life of the person who has died. Sometimes it is an opportunity for a family reunion.

All Lamb & Hayward chapels are fully equipped for this purpose and provide spacious refreshment lounges to gather and share stories. Catering can also be provided at other venues. Our funeral catering would normally include a selection of gourmet savouries, club sandwiches, fruit platters, a range of cakes and a gluten free selection, complemented by tea, coffee and orange juice. However you may wish to talk to us about the style of food required, as we can cater for individual tastes and preferences.

We often work with church groups who offer catering at their own locations. We are happy to assist them in any way.

Please note alcohol is not permitted on any of our premises.