In recognition of this great achievement, we have been awarded with the ‘Top Reducer’ logo to use alongside our carboNZero certification logo. It recognises our performance in the carboNZero programme and shows we are one of the top 20 New Zealand businesses actively managing and reducing our carbon emissions. The carboNZero programme and CEMARS programme […]
Lamb & Hayward and Department of Conservation Continue to Invest in the Upgrade of the Ōtukaikino Reserve
Matthew Brosnahan, Lamb & Hayward Reserve Development Ranger, in consultation and with support of the Department of Conservation has invested time and funds to raise and widen the level of the tracks at the Ōtukaikino Reserve. This was needed as after the earthquake the water table had risen in the reserve which meant in periods […]
Ōtukaikino Memorial Service 2018
As friends of Lamb & Hayward the Ōtukaikino Reserve belongs to you. Situated in the north of Christchurch, by Chaney’s Corner, ‘The Living Memorial’ is a safe haven for wildlife, birds and native plantings, and a sanctuary for us; it’s nature’s reminder that life continues. You are welcome to bring your family and friends to […]
A Christmas to Remember 2017
Christmas can mean family and friends and anticipation for the years ahead. When there has been a bereavement, Christmas can be a difficult time and somehow, no matter how hard we try, the lights just do not sparkle as brightly. As we rebuild sometimes we find ourselves catching a moment, or a day, or even […]
Most Trusted – FDANZ Matters
Printed big and bold on our mortuary wall is an inspiring quote written by Sir William Gladstone, circa 1880 “Show me the manner in which a nation cares for its dead and I will measure with mathematical exactness the tender mercies of its people, their respect for the laws of the land, and their loyalty […]
Planting Day at Ōtukaikino Reserve
On Friday 15 September, 26 students and one teacher from Papanui High School’s Adult ESOL undertook planting at Ōtukaikino Reserve -The Living Memorial. Over 500 plants were put in and also mulch put around the plants. The volunteers then did a walk around the reserve and were able to view growth on plants that many of […]
We celebrate 25 years with the CSO
I imagine it is always difficult to gain Arts sponsorship, so it is a significant milestone for Lamb & Hayward to be celebrating its 25th year supporting the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra. Christchurch is truly fortunate to have an orchestra of this quality, and has been well served by the CSO’s Board and Management as it […]
Ōtukaikino Memorial Service 2017
As friends of Lamb & Hayward the Ōtukaikino Reserve belongs to you. Situated in the north of Christchurch, by Chaney’s Corner, ‘The Living Memorial’ is a safe haven for wildlife, birds and native plantings, and a sanctuary for us; it’s nature’s reminder that life continues. You are welcome to bring your family and friends to […]
Christmas to Remember 2016
One of the beliefs that underpin the Lamb & Hayward philosophy is that our relationship with client families doesn’t start and finish at the funeral service. We believe that by delivering ongoing support and giving back to the community, we create sustainable and meaningful relationships; and by doing so making our hometown of Christchurch a […]
A Christmas to Remember 2016
Christmas can mean family and friends and anticipation for the years ahead. When there has been a bereavement, Christmas can be a difficult time and somehow, no matter how hard we try, the lights just do not sparkle as brightly. As we rebuild sometimes we find ourselves catching a moment, or a day, or even […]