
<< Obituaries

Aaltje (Atty) REINDERS

Avonhead Memorial Cemetery

Gerald and Family. My deepest sympathies to all the family -familie. Of course we share the knowledge of passing into glory, however it is sad when a loved one such as Mrs Reinders passes away. I highly respect/ed Mrs Reinders. I really enjoyed my few visits to her personally too. She was a stable consistent beacon of faith to me, in my eyes. She like others similar age, spoke to my Spirit. I was really impressed with her, particularly when tragedy hit her, with Andrew's accidental death. This was very sad for me, for her, however she boldly moved through it. This really impressed me of her conviction of her faith in the Lord. We in Dunedin (Mum & I) will attend ceremony virtually. Thank you all for your Wonderful Mum. Thank you Lord for Mrs Reinders. Dave Weegenaar.

Posted by David Weegenaar on March 27, 2023