Brian John Francis TOPP
Wai-mana Chapel
On December 11, 2024, passed away unexpectedly in his sleep at home, in Kaiapoi, aged 84 years.
Dearly loved husband of Julie for 61 years. Much loved father and father-in-law of Raewyn and Richard, and Kathryn and Joe, adored Poppa to Henry, and Harriet. Loved brother, brother-in-law, uncle, and friend who will be sorely missed by all.
“Always in our hearts”
Messages may be addressed to: The family of the late Brian Topp, c/- PO Box 39001, Christchurch 8545. A service to celebrate Brian’s life will be held in our Rangiora Chapel, Wai-mana, 92 Kippenberger Avenue, Rangiora, on Friday, December 20, at 2.30pm, thereafter private cremation. All those who knew Brian are very welcome.