
<< Obituaries

Denny (Donny) John Kildare WAKEFIELD

Westpark Chapel

Thank you Nick for making it possible to attend Don's funeral, it was a lovely send off, I wish I had known him better but felt like I did through my mum Tottie, she was very fond of him, he often pops up in her memories when she recounts them ❤

Posted by Heather Burkett on November 13, 2023

Nick and family, 'End of a special Era' - Our mum Pamela Wood was particulary fond of Don. Was wonderful that you brought him to see him at Mum for her 80th. They shared many memories along with the Nicholson, Kahi + Williams families, at Musicians club, Picnics, Little River + Country Club. With Love + Light: Pams daughters, Robyn Leigh + Michele Wood

Posted by Robyn Leigh on November 12, 2023