
<< Obituaries

Emma Jane McKenzie SIMPSON

Wai-mana Chapel

So so sorry Lynda to see this. Was looking for another death notice and stumbled across this which I find hard to believe. I do hope you are coping with support from friends. Remember your old AGHS friends are available but the sad loss of Ngaira recently. Take care Lynda, reach out to us we would welcome you. Fond memories of Emma playing with my children after school! Carolyn Byrom

Posted by Carolyn Byrom on October 5, 2023

Emma's first time coming out on the jetski with me. She was pooping herself (to put it nicely)

Posted by Samantha Hague on August 18, 2023

Emma your friendship meant so much to both Stu and I....Memories of our golf match on Christmas Day and the rabbit hole, your dancing and singing second to none, your special art which I still have hanging for our guests to enjoy, your enthusiasm for your work and your kind listening ear. May you rest in peace now, your job is done your work is over. Love always

Posted by Janice and Stu Millis on August 18, 2023

In my heart you will be kept In my memories of you will be of the best Rest In Peace Emmajane Mackenzie Simpson 🦋 For I’ll never forget Your friend Patz

Posted by Patsy Davison on August 17, 2023

Emma's life is a testament to love, friendship, creativity and grit leaving an impact on all who had the privilege of knowing her. She will be remembered and she will be missed.

Posted by Sharon Moen on August 12, 2023

Our hearts go out to you Lynda. Emma will continue to be the light in your life. And rightly so. A loving, enthusiastic and very caring daughter and friend. Yes, Safe in the arms of Jesus. Such a peaceful place to be.

Posted by Lloyd and Rosemary Knowles on August 12, 2023

Sad news. Some very fond memories. Rest in Peace Emma-Jane.

Posted by Chris and Paul Skjellerup on August 10, 2023