Janet “Jan” Mary HALLIDAY
On Monday, October 7, 2024, passed away peacefully in Darfield, surrounded by family. Loved wife of Mike for 53 years. Treasured mother of Ben and Anna. Cherished Granny of Tom and Henry. Respected sister of Rob. Sincere thanks to the nursing staff of Darfield Hospital for their diligent and compassionate care of Jan. Messages may be addressed to: The family of the late Jan Halliday c/- PO Box 39001, Christchurch 8545. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Friends of the Darfield Hospital Charitable Trust would be appreciated and may be made directly to bank account number 38-9005-0647752-00. The funeral service for Jan will be held in Trinity Church, 2 McLaughlins Road, Darfield, on Tuesday, October 15 at 1.00pm, followed by a private burial at St John’s Church, Hororata.