On September 23, 2024, passed peacefully at home surrounded by family and her ‘warrior women’, aged 64 years. Much loved Mum of Chook (Kirsten), proud and loving Granny of Moo (Ayla), loved sister and sister-in-law of Michael and Karen, Susan and Alan, Phil and Marie, and much loved by her many tribes of friends. Messages may be addressed to: The family of the late Jules Dorrian, c/- PO Box 39001, Christchurch 8545. In lieu of flowers, donations to White Matter Brain Cancer Trust would be appreciated, and may be made online at A celebration of Jules’ life will be held in our Oaklands Chapel, corner of Halswell Junction and Wigram Roads, Halswell, on Tuesday, October 1, at 2.30pm.
To view a livestream of the service, please click here: