Michael (Jimmy) John PETERS
On June 30, 2023, passed away peacefully, with family at his side, aged 64 years. Beloved husband, best friend and soulmate of Pauline (Polly) for over 30 years, adored, supportive and funny dad of Maddison (Madz), and dad of Tom and Ben. Loved brother and brother-in-law of Rosemary and Pete Inwood, and Sue and Ken Morrison, and adored brother-in-law of Chris and Kaye Allison. Respected son-in-law of Frank and the late Lorna Allison. Sincere thanks to Dr Alex Skingle, the staff of Nurse Maude Community Team, Ward B5 at Christchurch Hospital, and Nurse Maude Hospice for their support and care of Mike and his family. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Cancer Society in memory of Mike would be appreciated and may be made directly online to: Messages may be addressed to The Family of the late Mike Peters, c/- PO Box 39001, Christchurch 8545. A Celebration of Mike’s life will be held in our Rangiora Chapel, Wai-mana, 92 Kippenberger Avenue, Rangiora, on Saturday, July 8, at 2.30pm, private cremation thereafter. To watch a livestream of the service, please click here. Please allow additional time due to roadworks on Kippenberger Avenue).